About Hemmlis
Hemmlis is a company that aims to radically change the way we consume furniture. By offering a subscription service to lease furniture we enable a different way of thinking; why buy furniture with the hope that it lasts for ten years when you know that you’ll be moving several times, studying, working and perhaps having children? Through Hemmlis you can have furniture that is right for you, right now. A change of location a year later? Toss out the old, bring in the new! Why not try a purple room this time?
All of our furniture has a history. By collecting second hand pieces and refurbishing it to a high standard you can receive a level of quality and character that you simply won’t find in a modern department store. That the effects on the environment are drastically lowered we think is an obvious part of any modern business model.
In our first phase we are focusing towards students at Lunds University and are hoping to use this as a plattform for further growth, first towards a market of young adults with a flexible housing situation in Skåne and then eventually the rest of Sweden.